Sunday, January 27, 2013

Frankie's Dog

 We've never been to the night market when its all closed up

 Just some pics as we navigate the city streets : ) It would be sooo much easier to navigate if our map was in Chinese pidgin instead of Chinese characters : ( but alas I got us everywhere we wanted to go and we only asked directions twice : ) (can you see me taking the pic in the corner mirror?)

 Taiwan fire truck, not to special but Shanae wanted this pic for Conman
 Our first trip to Frankies' Dog - we may make it a monthly visit
 Shanae LOVED that they had jerseys to cover the chairs. Not Liked I mean LOVED :)

 The menu was in English and Chinese ! : ) Kaley had the italian and Shanae had the Mexican. It was about 5 USD each for a dog, fries and a drink : )
S- The best-est hot dog I ever did eat :)

 Shanae with Wilson : )

 Pictures from town
S- Look it's a blue phone.. isn't it cool? I felt like I was using one of those phones from the 1950's where you had to ask an operator to connect you, so fun!

S-I love this picture, because I know he does love me and you, and that that is true even in Chinese

 Sometimes we cross with others... just so we have less of a chance of getting hit : )

 Shanae bought a really cool suvinear shirt here. And I know your probably tired of street pictures but I'm still trippin' out on how crowded/crazy they are so hopefully your not to tired of them : )
S- I love shopping soo much! But because I want to take some money home with me Kaley and I are going to start keeping track of what money we earn and how much we can spend because like Kaley once said the money feels like Monopoly money, it feels so cool that people give me yummy things for one of my weird coins or my funny looking dollar :) But in the end how rich Shanae is is all depending on how many weird dollars she didn't spend :)
 Orchids! There like 10 dollars each so I didn't get one : ( but they are so pretty and everywhere

 Famous dumpling and bowtza place. Yes, I am going to learn how to make these and make them for you because they are soooooo good : )
 Its like the Vietnamese seemed roll we had in Hawaii only sooo much better: )
 So Yuling said we were not allowed to have pets because we are only here six months... that being said a gold fish is hardly a pet and they come in these cute little bottles for under two dollars!! Shanae wouldn't let me get one. My reasoning behind getting a gold fish? 1- we could give it a Chinese name! 2- It could teach us Chinese! (Shanae was more than skeptical of this one)...yep, we didn't end up getting the gold fish : (
 A.mart is the biggest grocery store in town. Usually if you want something you just go to one of a hundred little stores go buy it (like a meat market for meat, a bakery for breads, the morning market for veggis ect) but this place is almost (ok its a bit of a stretch) like a Walmart : ) We like to get our bread here. Can you see the eggs Shane is carrying home for us? Next time we will bring more than one bag : )

Shanaes new bow. While walking in the market the thought crossed my mind "well we cant all look like 'hello kitty'... or maybe we can" : ) Asians are super trendy. Shopping is cheep so it seems that everyone has a billion super cute clothes. Another thought that crossed my mind, while passing some super cute Asian boys, "that boy has Justin Biebers hair cut and it looks better on him than on Bieber!" : )


  1. Ha ha- which Justin Beiber haircut? It is pathetic how many kids over here think he is the end all for everything!
    Cute bow there Nae!

  2. thats awesome u should have got the fish
    then after it taught u how to speak Chinese you could teach me
    lol love u
