Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mr. Cow and Egg Mama

 This months theme is eggs and milk. So of course we had to make butter : ) Thanks mom for the fabulous idea : ) I asked my boss for half and half cause it would become butter faster than regular milk but she couldn't find any so instead bought whipping cream : )

After the kids had each had a chance to shake it our cream had almost gone flat : ) I told the kids that this was like whipped butter and that it would taste different from butter because we weren't adding sugar or salt like we'd seen them do on our 'how butter is made' video the day before

 I brought a cow puppet to class and called him Mr.Cow. The kids loved him and have already been asking when he will come back : ) I was going to speak for the puppet and all that jazz but I started doing it and then I thought up a lie and I thought it up fast : ) I told the kids Mr. Cow was shy and that he liked to tell me things in my ear instead of talking to the class. So they would have to be really quiet for me to hear him : ) I swear I receive inspiration by the half minute sometimes : )
 How do these kids know to put up a peace sign? I didn't tell them to do that : )

 It goes without saying that it was a HUGE hit : )

 The class thought it was the best butter they had ever had ... Taiwanese people aren't huge into dairy products so it may have been the only 'butter' they have ever had : )

So sad : ( Can you tell Humpty Dumpty has been through a fall? : )
We were talking about how mamma's take care of their eggs and don't let them fall and how all day long we are going to be our eggs mamma. Ya, 4 of the three year olds had theirs broken in under 5 min. : ) I wanted to laugh but faked that I was really really sad about it.

 At the the very end of the day we made 'nests' to put our eggs in and take home. The principal said she loved the craft and that it was pretty creative. Point for me : )

 Basically I find all my craft ideas on google and them simplify them for our classroom. These were supposed to be eggs nessteld in grass or flower pedals. Straight lines are just sooo much easier to cut and so they are nesstled in colorful grass : )
Oh Roger : ) You're a keeper : )


  1. That kid in the red New York shirt looks like Uncle Lance - how strange is that?! I laughed when I read about Mr Cow whispering in your ear - so fun! I bet the kids had a blast with that. Make sure he comes back to visit. But then (Pause here while I laugh) Is his wife Mrs Bull? Ha ha haa haaa!

  2. H Kaley you r soo creative love you

  3. You are so cool! And your class is so cute thank you for sharing you are my sunshine that was fabulous.
    Love Rainy
