Sunday, January 20, 2013

Playboy and other misunderstandings

 Sometimes we look really good and we just have to take pictures : )
 I love this field. And this cool road sign... it probably says 'slow down' or something not so cool

 So we've seen this tent set up for some time and thought "great, something negative from our coutnry" but when we walked past it a little closer we realized...
 It's a mattress company! : ) lol
 Kaleys all time favorite fruit drink (so far) is watermelon  And here is stuffed french toast. Its stuffed with spicy chicken, oh so good. Mom asked about ordering food. Typically we like to find the ones that have pictures accompanying items on their menus and usually if you stare at these pictures long enough someone will hand you an menu in English... other places you just point a lot : )
s- The food makes me soo happy. My job, and the foreign-ness kind of freaks me out sometimes but then I can go to the night market and try something wickedly delicious and I think dang this is soo awesome, and it keeps me going we eat fresh fruit all the time  :)
 Signs! We only knew what some of them said but they all looked really cool : )
Shanae is so lucky to have me here to cook for her : ) What with my improvised steamer ability's and gift at throwing noodles and vegetables together : )


  1. love the pictures yum who would have thought stuffed french toast huh looks delicious
    keep smiling u girls always look great
    especially when u smile
    although kaley does have killer fish lips lol

  2. What an adventure! It looks like fun but I think I agree with Shanae - the Asian-ness and strangeness would be tough to deal with sometimes. She is SO blessed to have her sister with her :)

  3. You guys are soooooooo brave! I can't imagine eating like that every night.
