Sunday, January 13, 2013

Teacher Kaleys classroom

 My classroom is two classrooms attached to each other
 This is where I teach the alphabet and most other things
 Table by the door where the kids keep there bottles so they can stay hydrated : )
 This is were we do most of our crafts and watch our dancing DVD's

 "Name Rockets" were a sucess! : )
 This is Roger with his
 A piece of the playground and the rack outside our door were we place our shoes as we enter the classroom- its cute but it gets super annoying after about the 10th time

Cindy,  and Kiki telling me something about the number three... don't remember what... : )


  1. So here is another question - do their parents Americanize their names? Of are they actually named things like Roger and Cindy?
    Oh and I love the shoe holder - what a great idea!

  2. i love how the chairs in your classroom are all different colors awesome
    when I'm a teacher I want to have colorful chairs
