Sunday, January 6, 2013

Teacher Snake and Kaley

 No matter how hard life gets. life is good when I can get my chocolate and peanut butter, oat goodness :)

Kaley is soo crafty this is her cute little hand heart where the two little hands form a heart :) I never liked crafts and I think that now things are just cetching up on me I can't escape the crafts forever hahahh

Noodle and egg... and Kaley : )
Kaleys name in Chinese! They gave us Chinese names our first day at church : )
Shanaes name is pretty tricky for Chinese to say and so the students get a kick out of telling their parents that their teachers name is "teacher Snake" lol : )


  1. Kaley is truely talented with crafts... Just think about the book she could write - Craft Ideas for dummies. She could sell super glue and super glue remover with it....
