Sunday, January 6, 2013

Church goers

 Our church, you walk down this skinny street with buildings stacked super close together until you arrive at this huge beautiful church building and you think I go here, I belong the church is true!
 I love the gospel so very much! Oh... and my sister
 This is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Chinese :) Today the most beautiful thing happened. I went to church I had been feeling sad and lonely thinking why oh why did I come to this far away land? and then I went to church and felt the spirit so strongly.. I know that this church is true and that no matter how far I travel if I can pray, and worship in my church then I'm home, and God is with me :) The missionaries translated for my sister and I and it was so precious listening to the converts simple yet perfect testimony :) But the most beautiful thing was when the missionaries translated my testimony in Chinese, Wow!

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