Sunday, February 3, 2013

Table for three

Our neighbor lady - bless her heart- took us to the BEST Thai food place I have ever been to in my ENTIRE life. It is reason enough to go to Thailand (which we will do within the next five months). So good! and under 5 bucks a plate.
S- Things I am learning about living in super rainy places where I have to climb stairs, go over bridges, walk on super slick tiles with very busy streets and walk miles.. NEVER WEAR FLIP FLOPS WITH NO TRACTION :) Hopefully I will remember this the next rainy day I have slipped and hurt my self one to many times!
 The vegetable plate in the middle was the best, though the pumpkin soup was good and mine was my favorite :  ) lightly fried chicken with a mild sauce (heck, if that was mild I DO NOT want to ever accidently try their hot) and rice with a scrabbled egg mixture on it. Doesn't sound like much but oh my gosh was it packed with flavor
 Shanaes egg over rice with spicy meet
S- The lady asks me spicy I say no way! She says little spicy? and I say no thanks she smiles and shakes her head like I'll grow up one day and try the adult food :) But after trying Kaley's food and having to drink a ton of water after I'm happy that me no like spice :)

 Our neighbor then dropped us off at the nearby market so we could get our pedicures that we've been waiting for all month (our treat to ourselves for making it a month :) figuring out how much stuff was with hand gestures was SO much fun : ) I may never learn Chinese just because its so interesting to communicate this way : )
S- It's hillarious I go into this shop after watching Kaley expertly find out how much a pedicure was, and ask if I can get  my feet done they all look at me like I'm speaking gibberish which is what I am :) I gesture to my feet and point and ask how much? they smile and point at the sign over and over I'm like I don't speak Chinese :) Finally the lady that owns the shop writes the number down and points to her feet :) yay now we are getting somewhere! It was soo fabulous It felt like heaven! I got a manicure and a pedicure! The first things she did was soak my hands in water, then she brushed my fingernails with a lemon and then she took these super huge clippers and clipped away everything around my nails, and all the other deluxe things you do when you get a manicure it was really fun! Communicating is really fun, although I really do miss people that understand me!

S- All of the lovely colors to choose from :)
Left- Sign we saw and laughed at
Right- Pudding filled goodness :)
S- I will agree about the white ones being good, but who ever heard of bean filled creme puffs? TO a chocklate lover such as myself it is the deepest regret to chomp down on something that looks like chocklate only to find its black beans with sugar :(

1 comment:

  1. I think in general food from other countries surpasses ours for flavor, but then maybe that is because we always eat food from around here. I know there isn't a Thai place close at hand anyway.. I am just saying maybe I need to learn to experiment with some other flavors once in a while just for the heck of it. Spice life up a little, right?
    The food looks so good...
