Saturday, February 23, 2013

An egg is an egg

I'll be honest. I'm hitting the end of the barrel when it comes to ideas of what to teach about eggs- we've been on this topic for a month now : ( So when our boss told me she's been saving our lunch egg shells and I should do a craft, I just googled an idea : ) These are my eggs drying after I dyed them : )

 We were making a cake later that week (talking about foods we make with eggs and milk) so we did a cake mosaic... ya it looks a lot like the egg mosaic we made two weeks ago but this one is made with cracked colorful egg shells : )

 I worked them all up to making cake on Friday. They would remind me every day : )

 I brought our miniature oven to the classroom after going over with the kids MANY times that ovens are hot and we should never touch them. Luckily everyone was so busy watching the cake be made that no one tried to test out just how hot it was : ) Risky I know.
Fail. Trying to make an "E" with our bodys. By the time I got the top kids to hold still the bottom kids would have moved... : (

1 comment:

  1. HAAHAA HAA HAAA! like herding cats! So funny trying to get kids to participate! Kudos to you for not having any burned fingers while cooking cake!
