Friday, February 15, 2013

Sardeens in a can

Road a bus for lie 45 min and got to one of the most popular markets for Chinese New Years, it was packed
- Cute little Asian kids shoes.... we stood there for lie 5 mins trying to think of someone we knew who had a kid we could buy them for : )

S- Can you say crowded??? Oh my goodness it was like a really funny train I held on to Kaley's backpack and maggie fearlessly led us through this incredible mob we moved like 5 inches every couple of minutes!
S- This guy was so neat he had candy and he had different customers blow onto the candy to form something  So this girl blew on the the candy and made an elephant it was sooo cool!

Happy New Years.. and all that that implies!

K- Yes Kasia! It is the Culligan mans water spout in all the way here and as the sign clearly says "believe it or not!" lol!!!! Also saw Buzz Light-year - believe it or not : ) ok he was a balloon but it still made me miss my little brother : )

K- The Samosa here is not like the kind I would get in Samoa or Tonga.... total let down : (

S- This is cow tongue! Soo yummy its like a flaky biscuit with jelly inside! I'm not sure what the jelly is their afraid to tell me :)


  1. I told Connor you were eating cow's tongue and he said, "Ew, mom don't say that, I have just been eating banana bread..."

    Just think, you have now been through 2 News Year's Days in one year!

  2. I really like this last picture. you guys are cute. is it really cows tongue or they just call it that?
