Sunday, February 3, 2013

'Mosaic' is a big word

 Eggs and Milk have been our topics for the last two weeks ... its getting old. But at least I can do a craft once a week : ) and oh how the kids love them : )

 We call Steven the gorilla, hes a great kid who will be listening when you think no one is...

 LOL Love that Borne spelt his name in all different colors and that his pieces of paper get bigger as he got rushed by the other teacher to finish : )

 They didn't really get the whole concept of smiling for the picture so with Irene I would say smile and then make a really funny face to which she would laugh really hard. It worked pretty well other than when she laughs her hands automatically put her picture down : ) : ) lol

Bwahaha - Ian. Each and everyone of the above photos started out like this one. They all thought I just wanted a picture of their egg and not their face : )

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