Friday, February 15, 2013


S- Chinese lanterns, oh my goodness I am going to fly one of these babies.. if its the last thing I do!

S- This is Chinese money that you burn specifically for the God's! so interesting!

S-We've been learning about Buddism how intersting they have these two sticks that they drop and depending on how they drop them depends on what fortune they will receive! Then they go to this paper and  read their fortune..

K- so these little lights were all over the shrines and apparently you can pay to have your name put in them so that ... well I don't now why you would want your name in a little light in a temple but it looked cool : ) and it seemed like a great way for the temple to make money : )

K- Bwhaha Maggie says that the great great great (x a lot) granddaughter of this goddess is a member of the church and shes taken her name through the temple... so she's now a member of the church!
K-Such beautiful fresh flower bouquets! Why doesn't anyone buy me these? Probably cause I'm not a goddess yet : )

1 comment:

  1. We will have to buy you a bouquet when you get home,..
    Those little papers in the shrines kind of remind me of the prayers that people put on the wailing wall, either that or those little letters that people would stick in the wall for Juliet in that movie we watched together. Silly, I know, but it actually makes sense in a way to put a prayer or your name on a paper for a prayer - at least in the right place I know it works :)
