Friday, February 15, 2013

Best Tour guides Ever

K- Here I feel like I am continually reminded that God is in the details of our lives. I try to take pictures of the ones that stand out to me from my camera lens
S- You probably cannot tell but this thing in my hand is my fortune!! It says that if I am praying to get married I will have to try again next year!! and If I'm pregnant it's a girl.. :)

S-Dragons are so cool! So we thought we'de ask some real Taiwanese people what was the deal with dragons like what is the symbolism, or story behind them and two of the wisest let us know that Chinese people just like dragons! So there you have it!

K-Jacob and Allison said they would have never thought to take a pictures in front of something like this... lol we think the writing is cool

Our Tour guides at their best :) SOOO cute

We're beging to get the feeling that you've seen one Chinese temple you've seen them all so there won't be to many more temple posts so enjoy them : )

S- Look its a tiger!!
K- Loved that this little boy and father were wearing the same shirt and feeding the fish together

S- Jacob our tour guide wanted to impress us so before we went to the temple he went and googled all this information so he could spout off words of wisdom and us foreignor think wow he must know everything there is to know about Taipei when really he just googled it!! He took us to our first 4d video it was so cool! You go in and get special glasses, a post card and your own playing cards and then you sit down in these nice chairs and watch the story of Confucius and while your watching it you are getting sprayed by smoke and bubbles are blown on you and when it gets intense in the movie the music is right in your ears! So neat! 4d  means you can both see and feel the movie!!

Chinese started because they would tie knots to remember things... then they made characters out of them
S-There language is so incredible it started out with knots! They would make knots to describe different things that would happen in their life and from their their language evolved into the incredible thing that it is today
S-Calligraphy wow I had no idea how difficult it was! You have to hold the pen completely straight don't bend it and your letter has to fit into a square and to say the least I haven't figure it out yet!

K- These are prayer 'postcards' that you fill out and hand on a large pole in front of the temple
K- Allison says that sometimes Chinese people get into a line to get food just because there is  a line. They think to themselves "well it must be good." We did that exact thing as we got inline to get these creme filled bits of goodness - like a creme puff but hot. Allison said she laughed out loud while watching the food network when a man said he stood in line forever to get a famous hot dog... turns out he waited 45 min which is considered short in China time : )
S-This is Allison, Jacob Kaley and I! Jacob is soo kind My eyes have let me know that they are displeased with Taipei whether and all the smoke by making me cry .. like my contacts seriously don't like Taipei. and Jacob noticed I was crying and he felt so bad that my eyes hurt that he went and bought me contact solution and a container to put my contacts in.. what a sweet heart! and He doesn't even know English!

1 comment:

  1. Those temples are so cool. I was just thinking that they are so old, and the workmanship is simply amazing! I wonder what type of tools they had to make those amazing curlicues - they are just neat looking!
    Sounds like you had some caring guides - they are sure taking good care of you!
