Saturday, February 23, 2013

Blonde at the roots

I am going Brunette Chinese style :) Goodby Blond hair hello dark and beautiful!
At this point I am really praying that the purple mixture in my hair doesn't turn my hair green and that my Hair dresser (Kaley) was correct about the chinese time on the box :)

But with a little luck here I is with the most beautiful brown hair! Who knows I may never go back to a blond :) And the conditioner smells soo good!

The good stuff

 Mail! From home!!!! I love my family! Thank you for sending us mail! You don't realize how much mail means until you move to another country and miss your family! Thank you for all the Valentine cards they meant a lot!

Most delicious foods! Thai nudles winter melon milk drink: a buck, nudels less than three and the taste... out of this world :)

Another birthday?

I feel like we've had a lot of b-day parties lately for the kids : ) but hey its free (REALLY GOOD) cake, so am I complaining? No. This was a sponge-bob cake - the name sponge-bob translates really funny into Chinese. You should look it up on youtube : )

An egg is an egg

I'll be honest. I'm hitting the end of the barrel when it comes to ideas of what to teach about eggs- we've been on this topic for a month now : ( So when our boss told me she's been saving our lunch egg shells and I should do a craft, I just googled an idea : ) These are my eggs drying after I dyed them : )

 We were making a cake later that week (talking about foods we make with eggs and milk) so we did a cake mosaic... ya it looks a lot like the egg mosaic we made two weeks ago but this one is made with cracked colorful egg shells : )

 I worked them all up to making cake on Friday. They would remind me every day : )

 I brought our miniature oven to the classroom after going over with the kids MANY times that ovens are hot and we should never touch them. Luckily everyone was so busy watching the cake be made that no one tried to test out just how hot it was : ) Risky I know.
Fail. Trying to make an "E" with our bodys. By the time I got the top kids to hold still the bottom kids would have moved... : (

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday walkabout

This university had such a beautiful court yard and such kind security guards that we had to go take a look : )

So beautiful.

Two quotes on the walls that we really liked

Up close and far away

A house we found while looking for ours : )

Our bomb-digity hostle

Our super cheap super awesome hostel while we stayed in Taipei to go to the Temple : )

K-That silver long thing on the wall is actaully a shower. So if you don't want to use the normal showers you can shower in your own bathroom while standing in front of the toilet... neet-o right?
K-We missed out on taking a picture of all our Asian roommates shoes (which look like a bunch of little kid shoes to us) but this is a picutre of the house shoes that are provided for all guests

Livingroom... we missed getting a picture of the other livingroom area but we probably will be staying here again so maybe you'll see it next time : )

Oh- and the color Shanae wants to dye her hair... I'd do it for her but the directions are all in Chinese : )

Friday, February 15, 2013

Top City Mall

S- Asian food is soo good I am now eating my most expensive meal on our vacation $4 whole dollars :) It was hamburger rice, egg, and veggies surrounded by tomato sauce yummy!
K- Spiciest meal of my life! I was totally crying about two minutes after this picture was taken : )
S-I scream you scream we all scream ICECREAM :) After teaching my kids how to make ice cream I just had to have one and Kaley had to have one for her poor tongue that was on fire because of her super hot meal and Maggie had to have one cause we had to have one :)

S- Chinese Lanterns the coolest thing to see ever! They had this thing where when you move the lanterns move so you throw your arms up and run across the room and all the lanterns go up! It was soo neat!
K- View from the 13th floor witch is kinda a big deal as we've tried to go to the top of a lot of big buildings and they usually have restraunts at the top so you can only look out the window if you are a paying customer
S- Hugh Jackman is amazing!!!!


S- Chinese lanterns, oh my goodness I am going to fly one of these babies.. if its the last thing I do!

S- This is Chinese money that you burn specifically for the God's! so interesting!

S-We've been learning about Buddism how intersting they have these two sticks that they drop and depending on how they drop them depends on what fortune they will receive! Then they go to this paper and  read their fortune..

K- so these little lights were all over the shrines and apparently you can pay to have your name put in them so that ... well I don't now why you would want your name in a little light in a temple but it looked cool : ) and it seemed like a great way for the temple to make money : )

K- Bwhaha Maggie says that the great great great (x a lot) granddaughter of this goddess is a member of the church and shes taken her name through the temple... so she's now a member of the church!
K-Such beautiful fresh flower bouquets! Why doesn't anyone buy me these? Probably cause I'm not a goddess yet : )