Sunday, March 17, 2013

All shrine/temple-d out

 Tired of seeing, what seems like, the same Taiwanese temple over and over and over again? Ya, us too : ) This one though is a huge one right in our home town so we had to make it our last temple here in Taiwan. This place is super popular and we can hear the fireworks and firecrackers being set off from here to our house - its about a 13 min bike ride.

 I'm sure someone could have told us why all the ribbons were tied to this tree... but no one did ; )
 All the tour buses : )

 A long line of people waiting to enter the temple. Some did dances, most brought gives of flowers or fruit, but this guy on the right beat himself with multiple sharp objects- it wasn't to bad but still a little weird.

 Fire cracker dance:

Dance your way past the burning 'God money' and into the temple:

Halloween costume found:

 Does that look like the holy grail / ark of the covenant to you???

 Can you see the dragons whiskers?
There's a park next to the temple and it was nice to go sit on the benches there and watch the family's and just see normal things for a little while : ) We had a handful of kids come up to us and ask our names and were we are from. One boy only knew the word 'baby' and kept repeating it in different tones. LOL sometimes Shanae will just out of the blue say 'hello' in Chinese in different tones. I told her its the same thing- you don't know what your saying but other poeple do : )


  1. R- awesome videos! Thats funny about the word baby.

  2. I watched all the videos and the one you labeled Halloween costume found was interesting. The costume was pretty cool but I bet the guy inside is sweating like mad... I was watching the dude in the purple shirt and in the first of that video I honestly thought he must have fake arms attached to his shoulders because they were swinging around so much they looked unattached. That was weird. In the one with the fireworks I was watching all of the people watching the fireworks and I wondered why they light them off when they don't particularly seem to enjoy them but just tolerate them. I think it is the same way here in the US when people blow off hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks. It reaches a point where you just think, "Big deal, another firework..."
    The dragons, and dragon whiskers are so cool! Who thinks these things up?!
